Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Boots and movies

I am determined this is not going to turn into an online diary, so I shall restrict comments to just talking about my new boots (which were MUCH needed) and about a film M and I saw last night.

As cold weather goes, whilst the most invasive coldness was actually in Kent over my brief sojourn back to Blighty over Christmas, the weather in Kingston is pretty chilly too. Of course, I am always testing out exactly how cold it is by standing on M's 9th floor balcony for at least a few seconds each time the weather report says it has got a bit colder. I've found out through using this advanced form of empirical research that -20C with a winchill taking it down to about -29C really is bloody cold. I managed about 15 seconds before deciding that I really did like my ears, fingers, toes and nose attached to my body so went back inside. I've also had the daily experience of, when walking into the wind, having the sensation that my teeth are about to crack if I smile at my walking companion. Most upsetting as it restricts my jovial nature somewhat. ;-)

The boots (finally getting to the point here) are proper Canadian hiking boots that also serve as very good urban wear. If you will excuse the utter mundanity of this, I will try and insert a picture of them:

Ah ha! Success! Right, them little lovlies have three brilliant qualities: (1) They do not have a crack running right across the middle of the front of the soles like my previous pair (led to very wet feet after tramping to Uni in the snow); (2) they're from Montrail who get a good (verbal) write up from the Canadians I've spoken to; and (3) they don't squeak on the highly waxed corridors of the Uni! I am well pleased. Although I imagine you are incredibly bored by now, so on to other more interesting things.

Pan's Labyrinth is a very strange but very good film. It combines bloody aspects of cruelty and blind devotion to a cause (Franco's fascist Spain) alongside the desperation of the little girl to escape from her situation. The film is one of those where you're still thinking about 'what that bit meant' a long time afterwards.

The actions of the town Doctor are especially like this and you wish (hope?) that you are a human being of similar qualities. It is also difficult to repress the feeling that if you had the chance, you would quite happily cave in the skull of the Captain and make the world a slightly better place. But then, what would that make you? - plus that is exactly what he thinks about doing to the Republican guerrillas...

Plus this film aptly reminds you: never piss off a woman with a knife.

Right, I have work to do that involves reading some of Empire (if you're really interested in it, you can download the entire book - for free - from here), so I shall depart and then start after making myself a bagel and getting a very nice coffee from the shop just around the block. (And yes, yes, I realise I just used a 'Canadianism', it's just that, well, things here ARE built in a block format - oh how I miss the winding, but reasonably quick, roads of the UK!)

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Warm, frozen, boiling, then chilled

Nope, it's not a recipie it is my experience of heat today. The flat was very warm most of the day but then it was another -15C windchill day so then you go to freezing cold. The boiling was me overheating (as I tend to do) during an indoor football match (9-0!!!... to them) and then being more nicely heated after a shower and in writing this.

It's been a good weekend so far, with the Reel Out festival going well and then with M having friends over from Ottawa. Two very nice guys who made the time fly by. And jeez did we eat! I am on steak/red meat overload and am expecting to either grow muscles like Schwarzenegger or add another two inches to my unhappily expanding girth (but if I am honest, that is mostly down to escaping the workload with beer on Tuesdays and Thursdays). And with both of them also being gay, this makes the weekend the most Queer-intensive experience so far.

Right, I have get on with my reading for this coming week (a book by a couple of chaps who want to be the 21st Century's version of Marx; a historian of science and technology; and the big-beard Marx himself) and I want to get in a few minutes of R&R on the couch with a cold drink beforehand.

Until sometime soon...

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Ok then, now for some news

I spent the time yesterday evening finishing up at the Uni and then getting back in time to go and see the first of the Reel Out film festival that just started in the town. It focuses in gay, lesbian and Queer issues in general but through the form of film.

Last night at the cinema was spent watching a short(ish) film about lesbian gymnasts. Sounds strange, I must admit, but it was entertaining and I had never been with quite so many lesbians all in one place to watch a film before... The evening was then a move to the Grad Club which is quite a cool place where (you guessed it) only Graduate Students can drink at. It can also serve as a general function venue which was what happened last night. They also had my favourite Canadian brew on the current selection of beers on tap (Upper Canada Red for those of you who are interested) and so that went down quite well. Several times in fact.

Today is being spent getting ready for M's friends arriving from Ottawa for the night, so it is cleaning (or the avoidance of cleaning in my particular case) that is the order of the day. Which is good, as it is about -13C outside and with windchill taking it down to -20C, so indoor things are much the order of the day.

Right, must get on with the aforementioned skiving.

Toodle-pip chaps.

Dear all...

Well, this seems the best way to reach everyone quickly and simply. I would suggest that in moments of boredom and the like, you take a moment or two to check in here to see what has been happening in this land of the Great Frozen North. And I really do mean frozen...

Right. Lets see if this has worked properly! :-)